The Trouble in Texas series concludes with the story of Vince Yates. The lone Regulator that is still single has fallen into the position of the lawman of Broken Wheel, TX. Raised in Chicago, he had everything money could buy except the love and acceptance from his father. After Andersonville, he returned home to recover, but doesn't want to work with his father and his mother is showing signs of dementia. Now in Texas his friends have all married, and he is thrown together with Jonas's sister Tina who feels it is her duty to make Broken Wheel into a "dry town". She stirs up the men in the saloon and Vince is stuck rescuing her. Just when he thinks nothing can get worse, his parents and step sister show up in town. Before Vince has a chance to convince his father that TX is not the place for them, he finds that his father has left town, and the care of the ladies is dependent on him. He can't help but be attracted to Tina, but caring for his mom is a full time job. Vince has always been invincible but this will put his character to the test.
I thought Connealy did a great job "tying up loose ends" from the previous 2 books. The characters are all part of the storyline and the reader can see how their lives have been changed when each of the other Regulators has allowed God complete control. Connealy also gives a true depiction of caring for someone with dementia-the constant watch care needed, how to handle the loved one when they don't know you anymore, and the stress and helplessness that the caregiver feels. I enjoyed the time period as well as the humor of the band of brothers from Andersonville. Thanks to Bethany House for providing a free copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.
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